Teaching with Defiance: Part 1 | Introduction and Goals | Course Quiz 1 of 4
Teaching with Defiance: Part 1 | The Bielski Brothers | Course Quiz 2 of 4
Teaching with Defiance: Part 1 | The Bielskis After the War | Course Quiz 3 of 4
Teaching with Defiance: Part 1 | Ethics and 'Defiance' Discussion Guide | Course Quiz 4 of 4
Teaching with Defiance: Part 1 | Quiz Review
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JPEF Materials
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Description: Contains the Teaching with Defiance study guide, an annotated outline of this video course, plus a diagram of the Bielski partisans camp 'Jerusalem'.
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Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Description: Use the film "Defiance" — starring Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber — to explore History, Leadership, Ethics, Jewish Values and Primary Sources. Inspire and engage your students with the true story of the Bielski brothers, who saved 1,200 lives and organized the largest Jewish resistance unit during World War II.
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Description: The Bielski brothers — Tuvia, Asael, Zus and Aron — rescued 1,200 Jews and formed one of the largest and most successful Jewish Partisan units, even building an entire village inside enemy territory. Written with Bielski biographer Peter Duffy.
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Description: Tuvia Bielski and the Bielski Brothers study guide, translated into Russian.
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Description: Are there times when it is morally right to steal, to kill, even to take revenge? Should there be? Use the film Defiance — starring Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber — to examine complex ethical issues with your teens. Includes Jewish ethical texts, plus interviews with screenwriter Clay Frohman.
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Description: The original script to the feature film 'Defiance', written by Clayton Frohman and Edward Zwick.
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Description: Answer your students' most frequently asked questions, including: How did the partisans survive in the forest? Where did they get their weapons and food? What happened if someone got sick?
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Description: Encourage your students to challenge their assumptions about leadership and authority, and inspire them to step up and make a difference. Explore leadership as a set of activities anyone can perform — regardless of who is 'the leader' using life lessons from young partisans who proved that young people can make a difference.
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Teaching with Defiance: Part 1
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- Lesson Prep for:
Teaching with 'Defiance' lesson plan
Ethics and the film 'Defiance' study guide
Tuvia Bielski study guide - Recommended for:
History, English, Film Studies, Ethics, Leadership, Jewish Values

- 34:03 minute video divided into 4 chapters
- 8 Downloadable study guides for grades 9-12 and above
- Desktop and mobile access
- Certificate of Completion
- 1 Credit hours towards free CEUs (10 credit hours = 1 CEU)
- Appropriate for classroom use
- Start and stop any time
- Optional quizzes to qualify for course credits
What Will I Learn?
- How to use JPEF’s Teaching with 'Defiance' Lesson plan and study guides to teach one or more 35-60 minute classes based on the film 'Defiance' -- the inspiring, but little known story of the Bielski partisans, starring Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber
- How the Bielskis brothers escaped to the forest and started the largest all-Jewish partisan group of World War II.
- Challenges the Bielski partisans faced to fight back against the Nazis and their collaborators, while rescuing more than 1,200 Jews – more Jews than Oskar Schindler kept from the death camps.
- Techniques for fostering comprehension and critical thinking skills using the resources provided within this course
- Background information and additional information beyond what is covered in the study guides to answer student questions in greater depth
- Suggestions for how to extend the lessons
About this Course
Q: What is the video course about?
A: This two-part video course provides teacher tips and step-by-step instructions so you can use JPEF’s Bielski Partisans / 'Defiance' curricula right away with your students.
Part One introduces the Bielski Partisans and covers the Ethics 'Defiance' and Tuvia Bielski study guides.
See Part Two for how to Use JPEF’s Teaching with 'Defiance' multimedia lesson plan to teach History, Leadership, Ethics and Jewish values.
Q: Who is it for?
A: This is an advanced JPEF E-Learning course. You should be familiar with JPEF's 'Resistance Basics' video course before proceeding.
Q: What resources are included in this video course?
A: The core curricula includes JPEF’s Tuvia Bielski study guide, Ethics and 'Defiance' study guide and Teaching with 'Defiance' multimedia lesson plan.
The study guides can be used on their own. To use the multimedia lesson plan you will need a copy of the film 'Defiance' or order JPEF’s Teaching with 'Defiance' Educator DVD. Refer to the video course for more information.
Q: How do these materials support learning?
A: These materials provide the basis for whole class discussion, partner study, written response, research projects, and creative extensions that will expand the way students think about History, Ethics, Leadership and Jewish Values.
Much of the curricula includes text study drawn from Western and Jewish sources (appropriate for both public and religious schools) accompanied by critical thinking questions about the issues partisans faced, and how students might apply these lessons to their own lives.
Q: How is the course structured?
A: This course uses a "do, then teach model" showing how the lesson is used in the classroom, then explaining the theory behind it, as well as suggestions for customizing the lesson.
Part One is divided into four chapters, with quizzes at the end of most chapters to test and reinforce comprehension. Teachers who score 80% or more on the quizzes can earn free credit hours and CEUs through Touro College.
- 1. Introduction and Goals (11:18)
- 2. The Bielski Brothers (08:26)
- 3. The Bielskis After the War (04:50)
- 4. Ethics and 'Defiance' Discussion Guide (09:29)
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Great resources to use with an incredible film!

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I like the additional background and teaching suggestions

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Once again, you should use words like "german army" or "Nazi's" instead of "germans"--a word which when used in the context your using it in implies that being german inherently makes one racist and dangerous.

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Very insightful

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Very good course, important subject, and a very much needed point of view. My only [big] disappointment was bringing up quotes by Obama, a known anti-Semite, hater of Israel and, by all measures, not a figure to look up to.

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This was a new experience for me and I found the whole experience very useful. It is an easy and engaging way to obtain knowledge.

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The eLearning course gives easy step-by-step instructions on how to use materials. I will use film excerpts and partisan testimonials, as well as the explanation of aforementioned different teaching methods.
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